population of Nepal.

population of Nepal.

According to the latest estimates from the United Nations, Nepal has a population of approximately 29.9 million people as of 2020/ 2021.

Here are some key facts about the population of Nepal:

 Population growth rate: The population of Nepal has been growing steadily over the past few decades, with a current growth rate of around 1.81%.

 Age distribution: The median age in Nepal is 25.7 years, and around 60% of the population is under the age of 30.

 Urbanization: Nepal has a relatively low level of urbanization, with only around 18% of the population living in urban areas. However, the urban population is growing rapidly, and urbanization is expected to increase in the coming years.

 Ethnic groups: Nepal is a diverse country, with over 100 ethnic groups and castes. The largest ethnic group is the Chhetri, followed by the Brahmin and Magar.

 Religion: Hinduism is the dominant religion in Nepal, with around 81% of the population identifying as Hindu. Buddhism is also widely practiced, particularly in the northern regions of the country.

 Education: Nepal has made significant progress in improving education access in recent years, but still lags behind many other countries in the region. Around 65% of the adult population is literate, with significant gender disparities.

 Health: Nepal has made progress in improving health outcomes in recent years, but still faces significant challenges. The infant mortality rate is relatively high, at around 28 deaths per 1,000 live births, and maternal mortality is also a concern.

In summary, Nepal is a diverse and rapidly growing country with a relatively young population. While it has made progress in improving education and health outcomes, there are still significant challenges to be addressed in the coming years.

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