Humla Historical areas. Location of Karnali province.

Humla Historical areas. Location of Karnali province.


Humla is a remote district situated in the far northwestern part of Nepal. It is the highest and the most isolated district in Nepal, with an elevation ranging from 1,524 to 7,377 meters above sea level. Despite its rugged terrain and challenging weather, Humla has a unique and fascinating history that dates back to ancient times. In this blog, we will explore the rich history and tourism potential of Humla.

History of Humla:

Humla has a rich history that is closely linked with the Tibetan culture and way of life. Historically, Humla was a vital trade route between Tibet and Nepal. The district was a major hub for the trade of wool, salt, and precious metals between the two regions. The people of Humla have been trading with the Tibetans for centuries, and their culture, customs, and traditions have been heavily influenced by the Tibetans.

Humla was also an essential center for the spread of Buddhism in Nepal. The district has several ancient Buddhist monasteries and shrines that are still standing today. These monasteries and shrines were centers of learning and spiritual practice for Buddhist scholars and monks. Some of the most notable Buddhist sites in Humla include the Raling Gompa, Namkha Khyung Dzong Monastery, and the Simikot Monastery.

Tourism in Humla:

Despite its rugged terrain and harsh weather, Humla has become an attractive destination for adventure and cultural tourism. The district offers a unique blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and adventure activities that are sure to leave visitors awe-inspired.


One of the most popular activities in Humla is trekking. The district has several trekking routes that offer breathtaking views of the Himalayas and the surrounding valleys. The most popular trekking routes in Humla include the Limi Valley Trek, the Raling Trek, and the Kailash Mansarovar Trek. These treks offer visitors a chance to explore the remote villages, interact with the locals, and experience the unique culture and traditions of the people of Humla.

Cultural Tours:

Humla is home to several ancient monasteries and shrines that are of great cultural significance. Visitors can take cultural tours to these sites to learn about the history and culture of the district. The Raling Gompa, Namkha Khyung Dzong Monastery, and the Simikot Monastery are some of the most popular cultural sites in Humla.

Adventure Activities:

Humla is a haven for adventure enthusiasts. Visitors can indulge in a range of adventure activities, such as mountaineering, rock climbing, river rafting, and paragliding. These activities offer a unique way to explore the district and take in its stunning natural beauty.

In conclusion, Humla is a hidden gem in Nepal that is waiting to be discovered. Its rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty make it an attractive destination for tourists seeking adventure and cultural immersion. Whether you are a trekking enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or an adventure seeker, Humla has something for everyone.

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